Monday, January 21, 2008

Newspaper illustrators

Barry Blitt

2nd best:
Leif Parsons
How to be more like him, here.

Wendy Wahman


Wendy Wahman said...

you're a meany, fudge knives! I did 'my worst' on deadline in a couple hours - yet another redundant tech story. Now be nice and take this hideous, unrepresentative work-a-day thing off your blog. Please :-)
-- Wendy

Wendy Wahman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Why would you put something like this on your blog? What purpose does it serve other than making you look like a jerk. Are you a newspaper illustrator or just a guy who thinks other people care about your uninformed opinion? Wendy rocks. She's original. She's also a published children's book illustrator and author (Don't Lick the Dog). Doing good in the world and not being rude to people who don't provoke her.